Copyrighted Security Protocols
DigitalPA has certified with the competent bodies in Italy (SIAE) and internationally (U.S. Copyright Office) the Secure Digital Proposal ©
Information security is a key aspect of the digital management of Source-to-Pay.
That’s why DigitalPA owns International Certifications both for the software and the procedures management making sure the Online Procurement platform guarantees data secrecy during all stages of the tender management.

Security across all Procurement Phases thanks to our Secure Digital Proposal©
The secrecy of proposals is essential to ensure effective competition and transparency in offer assessment.
Sourcing processes managed through our Online Procurement platform are protected by the security protocol Secure Digital Proposal © which ensures safety compliance, to protect both the buyer and the supplier.
Inviolability and impossibility of modifying proposals and documents uploaded in the platform is guaranteed by an encryption procedure divided into two steps:
- In the first one, a sort of digital fingerprint is assigned to each file (Hash*). This happens exclusively within the terminal of each supplier sending a proposal through our proprietary software.
- In the second step, the supplier receives via email a receipt of participation containing details of the files and corresponding hash.
The SHA-256 Hash (used in the encryption of digital signatures) is calculated with an algorithm that generates a string able to uniquely identify the digital document (a sort of file DNA). The string is obtained through the analysis of the contents of the document and uniquely identifies it.
The procedure is certified nationally and internationally.
100% Secure Source-to-Pay Management
Find more about our certified Online Procurement software